Yükseköğretimin Dijital Dönüşümünde Bilgi Teknolojisinin Rolü

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  • Abil А.S. Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov
  • Kapina E.А. Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov
  • Sugraliyeva А. Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov

Anahtar Kelimeler:

digital transformation, higher education, didactics, transformational processes, IT-education.


The presented article is the result of scientific work that explores the key aspects and characteristics of the digital transformation process in the modern higher education system. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Digital Kazakhstan system has been operating since 2018, which has five key areas: «Digitalization of economic sectors», «The transition to a digital state», «Implementation of the Digital Silk Road», «Development of human capital», «Creation of an innovation ecosystem».

The аnalysis of scientific and theoretical literature made it possible to highlight the role of information technology in the digital transformation of higher education. N.Yu. Ignatova pointed out this role, where education is one of the basic areas of human life. These include: 1. Digital advantage - building intellectual capital. 2. Problems of IT education. 3. Pandemic and digital transformation in education. 4. Cluster principles of education development.

The main purpose of our research is to study the role of information technology in the digital transformation of higher education. The main materials for the study were scientific and theoretical information, accounting documentation of the university, received forms with respondents' answers in the framework of socio-pedagogical diagnostics. Research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic and technical literature on the research problem; comparative-comparative and system-structural analysis; sociological survey and questioning.

The results are the described transformational processes taking place in the higher education system, the terminological apparatus of the didactics of the modern educational process, taking into account digital transformation, the results of a sociological survey of students and teachers of the pedagogical faculty of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov.


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