The Connection of Humorous Stories with Other Genres of Folklore

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  • Zh. Tanauova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

genre, folklore studies, humorous stories, folk prose, folklore genre.


Until now, Kazakh folk prose has been widely studied cognitively. In general, folklore as a science pays great attention to the genre of prose. However, it would be wrong to say that all genres of Kazakh folklore have been studied and known to the broad masses. Despite the large number of humorous stories, in Kazakh folklore they are considered within other genres of prose. In other words, humorous stories in Kazakh folklore were not the subject of a separate, special study. If we pay attention to the opinions expressed in the writings of famous scientists-researchers in the field of folklore, it is confirmed that humorous stories are a branch of folk literature that is passed down from generation to generation. Despite the fact that humorous stories have been previously studied, it is natural that the latest advances in science raise questions that need to be revised, so we realized the importance of humorous stories in the work of our people and their study is a scientifically relevant topic. Thus, based on previous studies of the genres of folklore, this article examines the connection between humorous stories and other genres


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