Study of the Structure of the Mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi of the XII century

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  • D. Mustapayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, mausoleum, tomb, the premises of the mosque, terracotta, research, architecture.


As a result of research works, information about the structure and stages of construction of the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi was collected and introduced into the scientific discourse. It is commonly known that the mausoleum was built by order of Emir Timur in the XIV century, however on the basis of materials found during the historical, archaeological, as well as repair work, it was established that in the XII century therealready was a facility consisting of the premises of the Tomb and mosques. Repair works in 1923, archaeological research in 1928, repair work in 1938–1939, as well as architectural and archaeological research in the 1950s and archaeological research in 1997 formed the basis for establishing of certain chronology of the structure and stages of construction of the mausoleum of Akhmet Yassawi. The results of many years of study and analysis by scientists of ancient building materials found on the roof of the mausoleum indicate several stages in the construction of the mausoleum. The article examines scientific research about the necropolis, which was located on the territory of the mausoleum for several centuries, the places and order of burials, as well as the stages of development of the mausoleum and the area around it.
Upon the scientific study of the materials of the ancient structure, it was proved that the construction of the Azret Sultan mausoleum dates back not only to the second half of the XIV century. From this point of view, it is concluded that this place, even before the construction of the building by Emir Timur, for centuries was a holy place for pilgrimage and rituals.
It has been established that the materials found during scientific research in 1997 refer to an ancient structure. In the XII century, there was a building of that era, over which, two centuries later, by order of Emir Timur, a system of premises for various purposes was built in compliance with the existing structure.
The article provides data and conclusions of scientific research of the stage of the formation of the mausoleum, as well as the area of the mausoleum at the site of the ancient structure.


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