Artistic Reality in the Dramas of Sultan Raev

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sultan Rayev, drama, modern literature, crown, Kurmanjan datka, Mecca, symbol, genre, style.


The article analyzes the plays of a major representative of Kyrgyz literature, playwright, public figure Sultan Raev from the point of view of artistic reality. In origin, each piece of art is an entire structure with a fully completed head and legs. There should also be a succession network. Considering that the largest type of epic genre is drama, which is in historical and evolutionary development, the most prone to transformation and modification in accordance with the requirements of time, time, epoch, the drama of the countries of Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan with new authors, new themes is filled and promotes common values not only of the Turkic people, but also of a human being, thereby the author raises topical issues. Sultan Rayev’s drama “The Long Way to Mecca” touched upon such complex issues as human purification, self-knowledge, finding your way in life, responding to what you have done, liberation from sin, and the magical connection between man and God. In the dramas “Tears of the Queen” and “The Crown», where the symbols of the absurd and the genre prevail, the historical theme is touched upon. Three dramatic works by the author were taken as research materials: “Tears of the Queen”, “The Crown” and “The Long Way to Mecca”. Hermeneutical, comparative typological, and semiotic methods were used in the analysis of these works. In the course of the study, we identified similarities and differences in comparing the author's plays, and also identified the semiotic aspect of the drama based on the analysis of characteristic features: takara, sand, black stone, crown, tumar.


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