Joint Group Work Is an Effective Way of Organizing Practical Work in Pedagogical Disciplines

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  • Z.S. Ismagulova M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

joint teamwork, pedagogical disciplines, dialogic method, critical thinking, communicative competence, creative thinking, cognitive interest.


The article deals with the organization of practical work in a pedagogical
university through joint group work. Collaborative group work is a type of method that develops
critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills. This method can be effectively used in
practical work at a pedagogical university. The author believes that the method of group work
allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. The article emphasizes that group work
requires students to actively develop many skills. The author considers it necessary to choose the
right type of joint group work in accordance with the level of education of the same group, because depending on the level of students, the learning objectives of group forms of work are different. Much attention is paid to identifying the features of the use of joint group work in teaching pedagogical disciplines with a view to a more communicative approach. Examples of the use of group work for the formation of pedagogical activity and skills are given in the classroom. Joint group work is considered a good motivation for students, as it is aimed at the overall intellectual development and communicative potential of students in various small groups. Collaborative group work develops various practical skills, in particular such abilities as creative problem solving and decision-making in a group. Joint teamwork contributes to the development of various practical skills. This can be described as creative problem solving, developing the ability to study specific situations and make decisions. Joint group work develops writing and speaking skills, improves cooperation and group work skills. Using the example of the discipline «Methods of teaching Pedagogy», the author emphasizes that joint group work teaches students business communication, preparation of presentations and organizational skills. The article reflects the advantages and difficulties of using joint group work in pedagogical classes. To determine the importance of using collaborative group work as one of the interactive teaching methods in pedagogical universities is the task of the authors of the article.


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