Features of Modern Comic Advertising

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  • G.A. Seidullayeva International Educational Corporation
  • G.K. Temirkulova International Educational Corporation
  • ZH.L. Kenzhitaeva NAU Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin

Anahtar Kelimeler:

advertising, comic, verbal, non-verbal, model.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the texts of modern advertising with comic elements. Modern advertising is increasingly using various pragmatic strategies aimed at evoking emotions in the addressee. One of the effective ways to achieve this goal is to use humor and create a comic effect. Humor helps to attract the audience's attention and remember the advertising message. Advertising texts often use a variety of linguistic techniques and play with linguistic devices to achieve their goals. Speech polysemy of linguistic means, along with homonymy, functional syncretism, play with words, comic images and situations most often become the cause of the comic. In the analysis of advertising texts, the continuous sampling method was used. Its use helped to select more than 50 advertising texts with comic overtones. Quantitative analysis was used to quantify advertisements with comic elements and to survey men and women to determine the impact of such advertisements on their daily lives. During the research, it was revealed that advertising with comic elements is capable of more fully, informatively and clearly conveying information, emotions and values through a combination of verbal and non-verbal elements, taking into account the preferences and expectations of the target audience. The article can be used as an application for students of advertising science, some aspects of modern journalism and comic literature.



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