National Connotation of Phraseology in the Works of D. Isabekov

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  • D.Zh. Arynbayeva South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov
  • D.N. Baigutova South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov
  • A.G. Kurbanov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov (

Anahtar Kelimeler:

meaning, connotation, linguistic unit, D. Isabekov's works, national linguistic characteristics.


The article examines the manifestations of national connotation in phraseological units and stable expressions used in the works of the talented writer of the Kazakh people D. Isabekov. Connotation (Latin con (cum) – together and noto – to denote, quote) is an additional, concomitant meaning of a language unit. Connotation includes semantic or stylistic elements that are known to be related to the main meaning of the word. Connotation is used to express emotional and evaluative shades of speech. The meaning or use of denotation (the lexical meaning of a word) and connotation largely depends on the subject of the study. Connotation plays an important role in learning a language and understanding the literary use of a word. Words can be used with a positive or negative meaning depending on the context and situation. Depending on the circumstances of the application, there is also a neutral form of connotation. Although the connotation itself is not a conditional component of the target word expressing its meaning, it has a dual character due to the fact that stable concepts associated with the word are formed in the minds of native speakers of this language. So, the word “fox”, despite the fact that it means an animal, in the minds of the people, being stable in an image associated with cunning and cunning, the connotative meaning creates conditions for the emergence and use of stable expressions that are associated with these meanings. The classification of connotations by content, cultural, national, emotional, ideological, and evaluative qualities has already been established in linguistics. Stable phrases are important for reflecting national characteristics through language, as they are closely related to the historical past of the nation, worldview and knowledge in understanding the world, cultural values and national achievements.



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