The Concept of «Diligence» in Kazakh Linguistic and Cultural Knowledge

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  • G. A. Aitkulova M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • D.А. Islam Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

concept, conceptual field, macroconcepts, cognitive linguistics, ethnoculture, linguoculturology, cognition.


The article examines the cognitive nature of the concept of diligence in the Kazakh language. Stable phrases that provide rich information about the cultural and national experience and traditions of our people, create an artistic word from figurative thought and demonstrate the spiritual culture of the linguistic community. Through phraseological units that capture the process of development of folk culture, passed down from generation to generation, we can recognize the cultural views, stereotypes, standards and archetypes of the people. In our study, the linguistic features of the concept of diligence in simple folk knowledge, transmitted through stable phrases, paremiological linguistic units, are revealed. The purpose of the scientific article is to study the use of the concept of diligence in semantic and conceptual units. To achieve this goal, such tasks as the formation of the author's approach to the linguistic image of the world and the disclosure of the content of the linguistic and cultural nature of the concept of diligence, with a scientific emphasis on the concept of cognitive linguistics, the concept, the conceptual field, the linguistic image of the universe, differentiation of the opinions of scientists studied within the framework of modern conceptual knowledge, were achieved. To determine the semantics of language units during the writing of the article, the methods of concept analysis and associative experiment were used. As a result of the study, the structural features and semantic scope of the concept of diligence were revealed in cognitive discourse.



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