Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Student Creativity Development

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  • А.А. Zholdasbekov South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov
  • A.T. Iskalieva West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan
  • B.A. Zholdasbekova M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

student, creativity, creative activity, creativity of creative formation, student's creativity, subject-subjective relationship.


The problem of the research is to identify effective pedagogical conditions for the development of students' creative abilities as individual creative abilities. This article presents the results of experiments conducted to test the effectiveness of educational conditions for the development of creativity of students, especially the methods of development of university students. The basic prerequisites for innovation exist in all areas of creative activity. Creativity is the highest form of intelligence, which describes the ability to create and apply discoveries in various fields of human activity. The best part of intelligence is creativity. Creativity is primarily the emergence of new ideas. This is directly related to the ability to creatively synthesize. The result of the synthesis of creativity is the development of a theory, an invention, a work of art, or an understanding of a problem.
The problem of creating theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of students' creativity in the vocational education system is not fully developed, but currently it is of great importance from the point of view of professional pedagogy.
The practical significance of the research results makes it possible to improve the quality of the developed psychological and pedagogical conditions and develop recommendations for the formation of students' creativity and preparation for creative educational activities.



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