Didactic Recommendations on the Use of STEM Approach in the Digital Education

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  • R.I. Kadirbayeva South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov
  • Kh.K. Abdrakhmanova South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov
  • K.B. Kudaibergenova South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov

Anahtar Kelimeler:

STEM education, future teachers, didactic guidelines, pedagogical conditions, digitalization of education.


The ways of introducing digital STEM learning into school practice are one of the elements of digital pedagogy which supplements and develops pedagogical problems by increasing the efficiency of their solution through creating digital educational environments. Currently, digital STEM learning is one of the pressing issues. This is due to the fact that there is still no clear unambiguous definition of concepts related to STEM education, methods of its application are not fully studied yet, and most teachers lack STEM competencies. At present, there are two occurrences of STEM-approach: integration of school science subjects and separate study of school science subjects. In our country, the second option is used, which implies implementation of STEM approach by using interdisciplinary content and interdisciplinary training tasks. In this situation, the organization of STEM lessons and STEM projects is of crucial significance. Therefore, the article discusses didactic guidelines for applying STEM approaches presented in a number of works, as well as models of didactic projects for STEM approach are given in the form of recommendations. The study identified didactic elements of the STEM approach in the context of digital education, as well as relevant didactic guidelines and pedagogical conditions for creating an educational environment for their implementation. All this allows us to conclude that when implementing STEM approach, the mentioned didactic guidelines and special training of future teachers not only provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills, but also develop essential skills that are necessary for their further development, preparing them for continued learning and adapting to the ever-evolving demands of education.



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