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  • G.K. BELGIBAYEVA Karaganda Buketov University
  • A.S. BAIMAKHAN Karaganda Buketov University
  • Zh.M. AKPAROVA Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

podcast-based learning, communicative, competence, language acquisition, digital technologies, language education methodologies.


This research deeply explores communication's vital role, especially in English language education, aiming to enrich students' communicative competence through podcast-based learning. It investigates the theoretical underpinnings of communicative competence, language acquisition theories, and the impact of digital technologies on language learning methods. This study reviews existing research methods and technologies that enhance communicative competence among language learners.
Our approach combined qualitative and quantitative research methods, including statistical analysis for survey data, relevant podcast selection, observation, and synthesis of collected information. To guide our experiment, we established hypotheses:
1. Increased engagement with subject-specific podcasts positively correlates with improved language acquisition and comprehension among students.
2. Different podcast content types (e.g., academic versus entertainment) influence language learning outcomes differently.
3. Using curated podcast vocabulary and phrases in language assessments correlates with improved understanding and usage among students.
Ultimately, integrating podcasts significantly strengthened language learning outcomes, bridging the gap between theory and practice. These audio resources provided invaluable insights, diverse perspectives, and specialized terminologies, enriching students' educational journeys. Utilizing podcasts within structured curricula presents a promising avenue for enhancing communicative competence and creating a holistic learning environment. This research suggests that incorporating subject-specific podcasts into language learning curricula can significantly improve language acquisition and comprehension, potentially revolutionizing language education methodologies.



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