Training Methods for Effective Conduct of National Mobile Games in Small Schools

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  • N.K. Zhilisbayev International University of Tourism and hospitality
  • Zh.M. Yessirkepov International University of Tourism and Hospitality
  • B.I. Kurmanbayev International University of Tourism and Hospitality

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Small school, physical education, motor games, methodology, physical exercises, standards.


This article analyzed the quality of physical education in small schools in Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions, considered ways to solve emerging problems and improve physical education in these schools.
The main indicator for physical education teachers is the quality of classes and the promotion of student health. The physical education teachers of the small schools in which we conducted the study did not study a special methodology for conducting physical education lessons, as they studied at the university at the correspondence department. This was determined by conducting a survey.
In addition, in order to identify problems in small schools that physical education teachers face every day, a 36-hour special refresher course was organized. During the course, they taught the lesson to conduct at a high professional level and increase the interest of students in the lesson using frontal, circular, flow, group and individual methods of conducting lessons.
The experiment was carried out in small schools in the Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions. The main goal of the research work is to analyze the features of small schools and the professional qualifications of physical education teachers, select and systematize national moving games held in primary classes, various options and methods for conducting classes in integrated classes were proposed.
In the course of the experiment, we found out that the correct choice of national moving games and their qualified conduct can not only increase the quality, load, and density of the lesson for physical education teachers, but also benefit from solving many pedagogical problems, forming the motor skills of primary school students, developing physical fitness, preparedness and maturity.
At the end of the study, control standards were obtained from the experimental and control groups, as a result of which the experimental groups showed a high level in all indicators. The proposed method can be used by teachers of physical education as a methodological indication at a daily lesson.



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