Formation of Students’ Readiness to Develop the Social Skills of Younger Students

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  • G.I. Salgarayeva Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • R.A Nabuova Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (

Anahtar Kelimeler:

training, social skills, socialization, primary school, education, professional activity.


The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future teachers in the development of social skills of primary school students. The scientific research conducted by the authors contributes to the increase of creative and intellectual activity of students. The review of the literature defines the essence of the concepts of “social skills” and “training”, as well as clarifies the problem of developing social skills. The assessment of the levels of motivational, cognitive, activity, and reflexive components of the process of developing students' professional training has been carried out.
During the experiment, a special course was organized, within the framework of which complex work was carried out, including theoretical, practical and methodological tasks. The indicators and levels of preparedness of future teachers for the development of social skills of primary school students are determined, and the results of experimental work are presented. Students master the technologies and information provided aimed at developing students' social skills and achieve significant changes with their successful implementation during practice.
When analyzing the results, it was noted that future teachers had increased interest in their profession, professional activity, and significantly improved creative thinking and cognitive abilities. The results show the effectiveness of methods and organized work in the process of teaching students. Accordingly, the authors consider it necessary to include the subject “Methods of developing social skills of primary school students” in the curriculum.



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