Metacognitive Skills Enhancement in Biology Classes

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  • A.Zh. Sadykova Alikhan Bokeikhan University
  • М.О. Iskakova Alikhan Bokeikhan University
  • А.В. Sovetova Nazarbayev Intellectual School

Anahtar Kelimeler:

metacognition, metacognitive skills, metacognitive prompts, metacognitive learning, biology.


The paper reports the study aimed at evaluating the impact of a 10-week metacognition-based biology curriculum on the students' metacognitive skills and biology understanding. The study involved 55 eighth-graders from two classes at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics (Semey, Kazakhstan). One group used metacognitive prompts, while the other group studied the subject according to the standard curriculum. The results showed that the participants who received hints, also improving their metacognitive strategies when completing the task, scored higher on the biology test and reported an improvement in metacognitive skills compared to their peers studying according to the classical method. Qualitative analysis of the interviews revealed themes of collaboration and understanding among the students. They appreciated task specificity that deepened their understanding of biology and cooperative learning facilitated by metacognitive prompts that not only improved their understanding of the subject but also contributed to a positive classroom atmosphere. The students attached special importance to the use of metacognitive strategies, emphasizing that they would focus on completing the task. The present study emphasizes the effectiveness of metacognitive support in improving biology education. The authors recommend integrating metacognitive strategies into classroom learning routines, accentuating the beneficial effects they can have on students' experiences and learning outcomes.



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