The Potential of Using Interactive Storytelling in a Mixed Reality Environment in Teaching Kazakh Sign Language

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  • A.B. Kydyrbekova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • А.Y. Karymsakova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

kazakh sign language, mixed reality, interactive storytelling, 3D image, hearing impaired students, MR technologies.


The scientific article examines a current trend in the education of children with hearing impairments - the use of interactive storytelling in Mixed Reality (MR). In recent years, MR technologies have become increasingly important in the field of education, providing unique opportunities for visual perception of information in a virtual environment.
The study highlights the prospects for using MR to address the challenges of teaching sign language, an important element of communication for deaf and hard of hearing children. In the context of Kazakhstan, where the needs of this vulnerable audience are often overlooked, the article provides valuable experience in teaching Kazakh Sign Language using modern technologies.
The authors of the article present the results of a pilot experiment conducted among 24 students in special classes for children with hearing impairment aged 10-14 years. This experiment assessed the potential of using MR technology to expand vocabulary and improve comprehension of educational material. The article also discusses preliminary observations, identified limitations, and suggests possible ways to improve the use of mixed reality as an additional tool in the educational process for children with hearing loss. Examples and studies are also provided demonstrating the use of mixed technologies in the education of children with hearing loss in various countries. This research contributes to the enrichment of teaching practice and the development of inclusive education.
This article creates the opportunity to disseminate knowledge and information about technological solutions in teaching children with special educational needs. It also provides valuable resources and tools that may be useful to educators, researchers, and practitioners working in the field.



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