Turkish Basis in Toponimization System

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  • Zh Konyratbaeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

toponymy, toposystem, property names, urbanonymy, Turkic basis, etymology, intralinguistic factor, Kazakhstan.


Recently, three major processes are taking place in the urban space of the capital: 1) the process of national transonymization, ie the implementation of the names of newly established, renamed objects on the memorial principle (including national memoranda); 2) historical and cultural process; that is, the reproduction of object names in the nature of a national cultural symbol; 3) the process of national toponymization, ie the acquisition of common nouns. The main purpose of the article is to reveal and identify the Turkic basis of the layer of onyms
formed as a result of this process of toponymization – one of the most productive internal resource
development in the urban space of the capital. That is, by conducting an etymological analysis of
the system of urbanonymy, to show that the main source of optimized units belongs to the group of
Turkic languages.
In the process of toponymization in the space of urbanism of the capital, the share of internal
resource development is predominant, ie most of the layer of onyms on its onomastic map was
formed as a result of the Turkic basis. As a result, the urban design of the capital of Kazakhstan has
become the only historical and cultural center that meets the principles of language policy and
naming / renaming of the Republic of Kazakhstan. And we understand that the definition of the
layer of onyms in the laws of naming the internal objects of the city will be revealed in more depth
by conducting a diachronic study of them.


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