Linguistic Data on the Formation of the Kazakh Literary Language

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

literary language, national language, dialect words, professional words, borrowed the words.


The article deals with the linguistic data that are based in the formation of the
Kazakh literary language. The role of dialects, professional and borrowed words in the language is
mainly considered. The main direction of research is the nature of words in these areas, their role in
the formation of the literary language. When analyzing the research, they are guided by the views of
scientists who analyzed and studied the Kazakh literary language, and their conclusions are
considered as the main stage of the study. The volume of vocabulary of each branch is analyzed and
its features are noted. It is aimed at describing the place of dialect words in the literary language,
revealing that professional words are a branch of the literary language, as well as determining the
role of borrowed words in our language and their place in the vocabulary. And it turns out the
influence and necessity of each of them on the literary language. The internal and external structural
changes of motivated words, the semantic nature of which is etymologically substantiated, the
content of the stabilized form are considered. The influence of dialects, professional and borrowed
words on the basis of the literary language, its enrichment and artistic expressiveness, as well as the
development of vocabulary are also widely analyzed. As a result, it is noted that the words in this
area have national usage, reflecting the breadth of the language, and it is argued that such words are
one of the main aspects in the history of the Kazakh literary language.


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