CLIL Eğitim Materyallerini Öğrenme

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL, teaching materials, specialized CLIL materials, correspondence between students and teaching material, adaptation to the of student’s language level.


Content and Language Integrated Learning as a widely used and in-demand technology in the field of foreign language teaching has recently begun to be introduced into the practice of secondary schools in our country. The problems associated with the implementation of CLIL can be attributed to the cultural, linguistic and professional experience of teachers (and students), the relative unpreparedness of teachers to use this complex and integrated approach, the problems of evaluation in the context of two-way, i.e. subject-language education and, most importantly, limited access to specialized educational materials on CLIL. At the same time, the search, adaptation and preparation of suitable and attractive educational material corresponding to the language level of students and taking into account their age characteristics is a job that requires a lot of time, labor and special competencies. It's no secret that there is no serious research in this area. The proposed article discusses the educational materials used in the subject-language integrated learning as one of the urgent problems in this area. What educational material do teachers
and students prefer to work with and why? Teachers make additional educational materials, not limited to the use of ready-made textbooks. How are learning materials perceived by students that help the teacher adapt to the language level of students, focusing on the correspondence between students and the learning material, thereby improving student independence and creating a safe learning environment?
We believe that our results can be considered as a starting point for future research in the field of theory and practice of developing CLIL teaching materials in teacher training courses and advanced training of subject teachers involved in the process of multilingual learning.


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[Электронды ресурс]. URL:

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Мектептердің оқу үдерісінде CLIL-технологияны қолдану бойынша әдістемелік ұсынымдар. – Астана: Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы Ұлттық білім академиясы, 2018. – 73 б.



