Kazak Milli Oyunlarının İngilizce Öğretiminde Kullanımı

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

language learning, communicative competence, gaming technology, meaningful use of national games, cognitive and educational significance.


At present, the importance of learning English not only in Kazakhstan, but also around the world is increasing more and more. In teaching English as a second language, teachers face challenges since it is not the mother tongue of language learners. Therefore, teachers should attempt to apply the most effective techniques and methods to get learners interested and motivated to learn English. There are lots of ways of teaching English effectively and achieving success in the development of learners’ communicative competence. As known from the world language teaching practice, a gaming technology is regarded as one of the effective methods in the achievement of the purpose. Interestingly, most language teachers in Kazakhstan make a great use of games such as Role play, Hot chair and etc that are frequently applied. In the present article, we will consider the useful sides of using elements of the Kazakh national games in the development of communicative competence of language learners.


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